2:26 AM

Another night spent awake. If I was honest with myself, I would say it’s been going on for weeks. Waking up in the middle of the night/wee hours of the morning. I sleep maybe an hour or two straight and then wake. It has become utterly frustrating . I’d like to pinpoint why this round insomnia is happening, but I seem to be coming up short. Some nights it’s pain related, other nights my thoughts get the best of me. Then there are those nights where there is nothing… no thoughts, no excessive pain… nothing at all. I just lye here, awake. 

Most wouldn’t understand. I’ve tried everything from bedtime routines and baths before bed to medicines and teas. My Sour Sop works the best, but it’s still not full proof. 

So I am here, hoping my fellow insomniacs are  doing well! 



Happy Saturday 2AM

Good Morning and Happy 2AM to you!

Hold tight for your regularly scheduled programming of prednisone side effects. Todays feature comes with insomnia inducing, night or early morning sweats, severe heart burn, the shakes, and elevated heart rates. 
I am just stopping by to say hello to my other Chronic Illness Warriors out there going through their share. 

Insomnia Funnies

I am pretty sure at this rate I will reach some form of hysteria by midweek…  I found myself laughing at the following pictures a little harder than I should have. 

I wonder if I would find them funny once I get a decent amount of sleep? Furthermore I am here to inform you my friends that penguins DO in fact have knees! Just in case you were all curious. Lol

Another night, another tortuous night of rapid fire thoughts that seem to never end. I believe I have not only reviewed my life as a whole, but have caught up on my research and revised my life plan ten times over. I’ve also recreated my bucket list at least five times. Who is with me out there? What have you done? Have you designed the next breakthrough in modern science? I swear I am much smarter between the hours of 1-3am than I am during “normal” working hours. 

On a not so funny note, due to what seems to be my new power hours my pain level and swelling are on the rise.  My brain and body are betraying themselves yet again. I am so sorry to those of my fellow brothers and sisters that deal with this on a much grander scale then I am. May the beauty of sleep find us all… And soon! 

Xoxo, UD